Electronic Prescription FAQs: Convenience and Security

Frequently Asked Questions About Electronic Prescription

How Does Electronic Prescription Work?

The specialist prescribes the medication through a computer program and provides a treatment sheet (with the name of the medication, the dosage, and the treatment's duration). At the pharmacy, with your health card, they access the prescription through the computer and provide you with the medication. (ηλεκτρονικο φαρμακειο)

Do I Need to Carry the Health Card or Treatment Sheet Every Time I Visit the Pharmacy?

Yes, it is essential to present your health card at the pharmacy to receive the prescribed medications. While the treatment sheet isn't mandatory, it is advisable to bring it.

Does the Electronic Prescription Expire?

Yes. When the specialist issues a prescription, you have 10 days to collect at least one container of the medication from the pharmacy. After the initial collection, the prescription does not expire for the remaining duration of the treatment.

What Happens if I Lose a Medication I Urgently Need?

In this case, you should return to your health center to obtain a new prescription.

Do I Always Need to Go to the Same Pharmacy?

It is not mandatory; you can obtain the prescribed medications at any pharmacy in Aragon.

Can I Ever Get a Prescription Medication in Aragon at a Pharmacy in Another Autonomous Community?

You should verify if the pharmacies in the Autonomous Community you are visiting allow the dispensing of electronic prescriptions from other Autonomous Communities, indicating whether they are integrated into the "electronic prescription interoperability of the National Health System" project.

If you wish to get medications in an Autonomous Community not on the list, before traveling, you should visit your health center so that your doctor can replace the electronic prescription with a paper one. https://www.ilovepharmacy.gr/

If I Have a Persistent Treatment, When Do I Obtain Medications at the Pharmacy?

You should collect the first container at least 10 days from the prescribed date. For subsequent refills, visit the pharmacy as needed, based on the dose and administration frequency determined by your doctor.

In Ongoing Treatments, When Do I Need to Return to the Health Center?

The treatment's duration is indicated in the treatment sheet. When it concludes, return to the health center for a review with the doctor to assess the need to continue or discontinue the same treatment.

A Significant Improvement for Everyone

More Comfort: For chronic illnesses or long-term therapies, doctors can prescribe treatment for one year, eliminating the need for frequent health center visits solely for prescriptions. Pharmacies can deliver medications directly to you as needed.

Greater Security: Both the doctor and the pharmacist can track the medications you take, encouraging treatment compliance and avoiding issues related to medications (allergies, intolerances, side effects...). (κατασκευή ιστοσελίδων)

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