AI processors Hailo-8

Falcon H8 accelerator Card PCIe AI processors Hailo-8

The accelerator card PCIe AI Falcon H8 offers a throughput of up to 156 TOPS to help applications of profound learning in edge servers.(Hailo-8 AI processor)

Lanner Electronics, an organization committed to the plan and production of appliances edge processing, savvy, declares the model Falcon H8, it's first equipment accelerator card PCIe IA Hailo-8.

Lanner Electronics has teamed up with Hailo, a producer of chips, for applications of artificial knowledge (AI), the plan of the Falcon H8,

supporting the appearance of frameworks of video investigation adaptable across multiple industries operating in the verge (edge), including solutions of canny transportation (ITS), shrewd urban areas, brilliant retail, and Industry 4.0.

Highlights and Benefits

The Falcon H8 becomes one of the cards accelerator PCIe AI more reasonable in the market, with a low consumption of energy, and an exhibition of up to 156 teraoperaciones each second (TOPS) to empower applications of profound learning in edge servers (edge servers). (AMD-Xilink K260)

The modular format PCIe FHHL offers a smaller solution and effectively drop-down 

for those designers hoping to download the CPU load for induction of profound learning for low-idleness.

Processor IA high density, the Falcon H8 obliges four, five or six processors AI Hailo-8, supporting a solution Edge AI modular and economical with expanded handling limit and productivity.

Through the PCIe interface standard, the Falcon H8 AI Accelerator Card permits the gadgets, for example, NVR, Edge AI pit, PC industrial and robots, can be utilized in applications Edge AI mission-based, including video examination, traffic, the executives, or access control.

Falcon H8 accelerator Card PCIe AI processors Hailo-8

The Falcon H8 arrives at a handling surmising of more than 15.000 fps for

MobileNet-v2 and 8.000 fps for ResNet-50. Its presentation is multiple times more reasonable (TOPS/$), and twice more effective (TOPS/W) than other solutions based on GPU.

Since it declared its most memorable organization in 2021, Lanner Electronics and

Hailo has sent off solutions for induction AI for ongoing machine vision at the edge. Numerous clients Tier-1 have proactively taken on these stages inventive. (NVIDIA ORIN)

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